viernes, 23 de septiembre de 2022

Know the types of facade🏠

Today we will tell you about the main types of house facades that exist so that you can learn to differentiate them successfully, especially if you are interested in installing one in your own home soon.

ventilated facade

The ventilated facade, also known as transventilated, is one of the most popular house facades that exist. It is conformed by:

A supporting wall.

An insulating layer.

3) Cladding material (this is fixed to the building through a load-bearing structure that is usually made of metal).

Traditional facade

Traditional facades are characterized by using conventional construction materials, such as:

1) Stone.

2) Wood.

3) Brick.

4) Cement coating.

Light facade

This type of house facade adheres to the resistant structure of the house without becoming part of it.

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